"DJ's Woodworks"
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DJ's Woodworks is a husband and wife company located in Carrollton, Texas. Our start, professionally, came as the result of an opportunity to change careers. Hence I took a life long passion and made it my business.

I had been asked to build furniture and others pieces for family and friends over the years and loved the process and creativity woodworking allowed me. Something that was lacking in my former career.

I also added to my quiver by changing my long time status as a customer of Woodcraft into a part time associate. This has brought me into contact with many of the finest woodworkers, both professional and hobbyist, in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. In addition I have been studying furniture construction and fine woodworking under a fellow who studied under Tage Frid, the Danish Master. My quest for more knowledge continues as I study the techniques and ways of the woodworker's who have come before me.

My philosophy is very simple. Apply all the knowledge and skill I have gained through out the years to create beautiful furniture, clocks and useful everyday items from the best natural materials I can find. Much of what I do is custom though from time to time you will find items in our gallery that will be available for sale.

I promise that you, my customer, will always get my very best effort, my total attention to detail and my total focus on your project!

Douglas R Jones
February, 2010

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